February 5, 2012

A new year, a new intention

2011 came and went. Just as it was meant to. I looked back today at where my 2011 began. I breathe and it feels like I have lived a few lives since then, I breathe and it feels like yesterday. Not a single month without travel. Each lunch and brunch and sleep over documented. It looked like this:

Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Texas New Mexico Arizona California Washington Oklahoma Missouri New York Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts Missouri Tanzania Michigan Illinois Missouri New York Massachusetts Rhode Island Missouri Illinois Missouri Oregon Missouri Utah Missouri New York Massachusetts Washington DC Missouri Texas.

It’s almost exhausting, but it was a kick ass year. January 1st 2011, Recently back from Tanzania, I drank in the New Year with family. The ones who I honor the most. The days came, and the year brought many things. Marriage, death, birth, engagement, dismayed, betrayal, hope, honor, discouragement, perseverance, perspective, denial, truth, pain, joy, contentment, turmoil, triumph. I reflect on the small moments and the grand gestures but most of all, among these, the stillness and the words that formed the shifting that occurred. The shift within me that no one else sees. The shift in intention and mentality and approach to humanity, and to love. It’s beginning. I fuck it up all the time, like today. But I notice now. And I am shifting my intent and my focus and how I show up for the world, and how I show up for me. I hope one day this will transform me, that one day I will really embody love in a new way, that loves well. I may be old and gray before its recognizable, but it will be my life’s journey. I will love with purpose and trust and connection and support and boldness and freedom and joy.  It's 2012 and I endeavor to be someone new this year, someone new for me and someone new for you. Here’s to loving, to failing, and to loving again.

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